Materiali per viteria


Shown below our ange of raw materials used for the production of standard and special screws.

UBB srl can offer screws and fastenings realized in different types of raw material to its clients thanks to its 20-years’ experience in cold printing.
Even though the fastening seems a little part of the final product, it has extreme importance; the choice of the right material for the composition is fundamental due to the need for galvanic coupling between the metals that must be respected to prevent rusting and for the mechanic strength.
In order to be ready for any request, UBB srl can realize its products in these materials:

We provide our long experience in the design and production of screws and fastening systems tailored to any application sector.

If you need advice on the production of special fasteners, write to us.
One of our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

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